Three Step Success System
Step 1 Send Messages
Step 2 Send To Opt In Page
Step 3 Follow Up
How Aron Parker Got 50 Affiliates In One Month
Everybody's asking me what is the "secret" to enrolling 50 people and going 10k in 3 days... Let me give it to you right here in this post so I can help everyone.
Here is what we did...Contacted over 300 people...120 Pre-Enrolleed...50 joined!
Let's get into the details...
1) Let me get this one out of the way first, YES I have a lot of friends and contacts who are network marketers. Some have worked with me in the past and others who I've just become friends with over the years. So when I decided to launch my MDC business, you can say that I had an "advantage" with all of these contacts that I have.... but let's be clear, I didn't bring a team over from a previous business. These are just people that I may have worked with in the past or that I had a friendship with on Facebook. It's all about relationships. This is the least important key to my success because everybody has contacts and relationships with people! The real key to my success lies in these additional Secrets below....
2) Cathy and I are messaging over a hundred people a DAY on Facebook and following up with at least another hundred through Messenger.... getting in massive exposures which is creating leads and sign-ups DAILY! If you're not getting results then maybe you're not talking to enough people each day... let me ask you this question, have you sent a text message to every single person in your phone? How about a private message to all of your Facebook friends? I bet for most of you the answer is no. This is where you want to start!
* Notice I didn't say anything about posting on FB... If you do post on your Facebook profile, consider it extra... never rely on that to build your business.
3) Ultimately the KEY to this business is getting people to take the tour on your capture page DAILY! And I'm not talking about running a solo ad because most of those people are either fake or not really interested. I'm talking about REAL people actually filling out the form because they're interested in learning more about this business. Your goal should be at least two a day but that's a minimum. For those of you who want to get BIG results in this business, you should go for between 5 to 10 per day.
4) FOLLOW UP! Yes, this incredible Marketing System will enroll some people automatically without you ever talking to them, it's already happened for me many times but the vast majority of those who joined I followed up with! We've all heard that fortune is in the follow-up, well it is true. Are you following up with all of your pre-enrollees DAILY? Make sure they watch the powerful video when they log in to their back office that is on the homepage with Josh and Jenna!
5) GET EXCITED! In every call or text or Facebook message that I have with someone, they can feel my energy and passion flowing through to them. They know that I'm on a mission and then I'm going to the top! When people feel your excitement, they will want to work with you too.
6) Less is MORE! I don't answer any questions or explain anything to anyone until they have taken the tour and watched the video with Josh and Jenna first. This shows me that they are serious and I know once they do this, they're either in or out. They might just have a few questions before getting started.
7) Make your plan now to be in Vegas! This is so important because it will force you to stay committed to this business. There are going to be distractions and shiny objects along the way that you'll need to stay away from if you really want to have success with MDC. Go purchase your ticket to Vegas now and start making plans to be there and set a goal for what rank you will be at the event. Now everything you do each day is going to be either something helping you reach this goal or distracting you from it. Ultimately the choice is yours.
8) Follow the blueprint and proven system that is laid out for you in this group. What Robert Hollis has done is priceless for your business! To have a group like this with all of the training in place is very rare. Everything you need to learn and do is right here at your fingertips in this group... take the time to go through everything because those who are following the system are getting results... You Can Too!
9) WHY are you doing this business? There will be tough times and moments of doubt that will creep in your mind. Remind yourself daily why you got started. When you are making 6-figures with this business, how good is it going to feel knowing that you didn't quit!?
10) TAKE MASSIVE ACTION! Doing this business slowly can be painful.
When you go fast it's much more fun because SUCCESS LOVES SPEED!!!!
Let's Do This!! 💯
Q: How many people can you message on Facebook before getting a warning or blocked from sending messages to anyone?
A: Your typical activity sending private messages to people is a factor... If you don't usually send a lot of messages then you will probably get a warning or possibly blocked temporarily after sending a lot more than usual but for someone like me who sends 50-100 per day normally I can get away with sending 200+ and never have any issues. Now, it also has to do with who you are sending messages to as well. These are people that I'm either already friends with or have had previous conversations together. Typically with these types of messages there's really no limit at least that I have found. You start getting into issues when messaging a lot of people that you have zero connection with. So in this case you want to start slowly and build up over time. The biggest mistake people make is when they send messages to strangers that includes a link. This can cause people to mark your message as spam and that will get you in trouble fast. I never send a link to someone through Messenger unless I know for sure they have requested it.
After getting the conversation going with an old FB friend or even someone you just started chatting with...
"Are you open to taking a look at the free marketing system that we are using with our biz? It is helping us enroll people on autopilot!!!"
"Hey John! I'm launching my brand new business and wanted to see if you would be open to taking a look to give me your feedback."